Golden Hearts
Animal Sanctuary
A special place for those with special needs
Because everyone deserves a chance and all hearts are gold

Our Vision
No animal, whether challenged by age or physical disability, spend his final days alone and scared in a shelter.
That he finds a home, where has to worry no more about his fate.
He has good meals, lots of fuzzy toys and tennis balls, and his own bed, a yard to play in, integrated veterinary care, and plenty of love.
Then, when he has chosen to cross the Rainbow Bridge, he is surrounded by love, with a soft bed and gentle hugs that allow him to pass on with dignity and respect, at peace.
Our Mission

Rescue, rehabilitate & provide sanctuary
for dogs, cats and farm animals
Promote compassion & respect for all living creatures
through educational programs
Strengthen the human/animal bond
through pet therapy

"Great things are done by a series of small things brought together"
Vincent van Gogh
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- Thu, Apr 23Valley Center